quinta-feira, outubro 25, 2007


Considero Robert D. Kaplan um dos autores mais interessantes e importantes de temas de "civilização" nas áreas militar e securitária. Reproduzo aqui o lead dum seu artigo em The Atlantic Monthly de Novembro, intitulado"America's Elegant Decline" . Kaplan escreve sobre a "crise" do poder marítimo norte-americano. Vale a pena lê-lo.

"Hulls in the water could soon displace boots on the ground as the most important military catchphrase of our time. But our Navy is stretched thin. How we manage dwindling naval resources will go a long way toward determining our future standing in the world.

America’s Elegant Decline

Beware pendulum swings. Before 9/11, not enough U.S. generals believed that the future of war was unconventional and tied to global anarchy. They insisted on having divisions to fight against, not ragtag groups of religious warriors who, as it turned out, fought better than state armies in the Muslim world ever did. Now the Pentagon is consumed by a focus on urban warfare and counterinsurgency; inside military circles, the development of culturally adroit foreign-area officers (FAOs) and the learning of exotic languages have become the rage. My own warnings about anarchy (“The Coming Anarchy,” February 1994 Atlantic) and my concentration on FAOs and Army Special Forces in recent books may have helped this trend. But have we pushed it too far? We may finally master the art of counterinsurgency just in time for it to recede in importance.

History suggests that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will be imperfect guideposts to conflicts ahead. The quaint Franco-Prussian War of 1870–1871 gave no intimation of World War I. Neither World War II nor Korea prepared us for Vietnam, which was more similar to the Philippine War of 1899–1902 than to its immediate predecessors. The ease of the Gulf War provided no hint of what an ordeal the Iraq War would be. Today, while we remain fixated on street fighting in Baghdad, the militaries of China, India, South Korea, and Japan are modernizing, and Russia has maintained and subsidized its military research-and- development base by selling weapons to China and others.

1 Comentários:

Blogger Schlumpy disse...

"Before 9/11, not enough U.S. generals believed that the future of war was unconventional"

Discordo totalmente. A primeira versão do Joint Vision 2020 publicada em ´99 fala precisamente da guerra assimétrica e prevê que os EUA terão uma dificil batalha nos anos vindouros.

sábado, outubro 27, 2007 3:24:00 da tarde  

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