segunda-feira, novembro 17, 2008


Em TNR (The New Republic)
"Hillary at State? "

"Some questions about the speculation du jour:
--Would Obama really welcome the drama having Clinton in his cabinet would inevitably entail?
--How does John Kerry feel today?
--How many other serious candidates are out there? I don't get the sense that may foreign policy insiders take the idea of Bill Richardson very seriously. Kerry is a possibility but one gets the sense that he's running for it harder than someone with high confidence that he'll get the job.
--How would Joe Biden feel? Presumably he'd feel competitive with a very strong personality at State.
--Would tapping Hillary come with an assurance that Bill would make himself scarce--or that he would put his considerable popularity around the world to work in Obama's name?
--Why is Hillary's foreign policy guru Richard Holbrooke (apparently) out of the Obama loop right now if Hillary herself is a real contender?
--How many other women are in line for top cabinet appointments, and is that a factor here?" --

Michael Crowley

1 Comentários:

Blogger T disse...

Não comentando directamente esta notícia, pois começo a achar que o presidente do E.U.A., à semelhança de outros países, é cada vez mais manietado pelos interesses de lobbies que se movem pelos corredores da casa branca...
Já agora, ainda a propósito do resultado das eleições americanas e não pondo em causa políticas dos candidatos digo só, que não gosto nada daquela faceta do Obama de Homem Providencial.

Bem mas aquilo que me trouxe aqui é outra coisa. Fiquei muito intrigado com a entrevista que vinha no expresso deste fim de semana do embaixador João Hall Themido.
Corrobora as palavras dele?
Vale a pena comprar o livro?


segunda-feira, novembro 17, 2008 11:30:00 da tarde  

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